SPOTLIGHT 8 SB Progress check 1

«Английский язык 8 класс:
SPOTLIGHT 8 SB Progress check 1″

Рекомендуется вначале изучить модуль 1 учебника SPOTLIGHT 8 Student’s book (УМК «Английский в фокусе»). В тесте 28 заданий, из которых три — повышенной сложности (ввод ответа с клавиатуры). Нет ограничения по времени. В случае явно плохих результатов (меньше 15% правильных ответов) тестирование по теме «SPOTLIGHT 8 SB Progress check 1» заканчивается досрочно! Неудовлетворительная оценка выставляется, если правильных ответов меньше 50% ! Вернуться на страницу «Английский язык 8 класс».

1. Fill In: 1 He was so angry he ...... his fists tightly.
2. Fill In: 2 Rachel has many friends because she’s very ......
3. Fill In: 3 ....... people always see the negative side of things.
4. Fill In: 4 Penny doesn’t get angry easily. She’s very ......
5. Fill In: 5 Thomas is very .......... He won't let you down.
6. Fill In: 6 Don’t believe everything Helen says. She’s a bit …….
7. Fill In: 7 A ..... person doesn’t care about other people’s feelings.
8. Fill In: 8 Jane is very .... and blushes when strangers talk to her.
9. Fill In: 9 Henry didn’t answer, he just .... his shoulders instead.
10. Fill In: 10 Listen to me! Don’t be so .....
11. Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct preposition. 1 Do you get......well with your classmates?
12. Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct preposition. 2 The bad weather is really beginning to get me
13. Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct preposition. 3 The teacher had difficulty getting her ideas the students.
14. Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct preposition. 4 It has taken me a long time to get.......the flu.
15. Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct preposition. 5 Come on! The sooner we start, the sooner we will get it......
16. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1) Mr Brown is very popular.......the students.
17. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

2) I am very good.........English. I am always top of the class.
18. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

3) I’m not very keen ......... basketball. I prefer football.
19. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

4) Polly is very fond.....her grandmother.
20. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

5) You shouldn’t be jealous.......your little sister.
21. Match to form exchanges. 1 Thank you very much.
22. Match to form exchanges. 2 Is this seat taken?
23. Match to form exchanges. 3 I’m afraid I have to go.
24. Match to form exchanges. 4 Make yourself at home.
25. Match to form exchanges. 5 What a nice day!

26. Complete the sentences with words derived from the words in bold.

1 John always looks on the bright side of life. He’s very ( OPTIMISM )

2 That woman across the street is very ( ATTRACT )

3 Dave bought me a wonderful birthday present. He’s so ( GENEROSITY )

4 I became .... when he turned up late again. ( FURY )

5 The film was quite ( BORE )

27. FiII in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 I (take) the dog for a walk every day after school.

2 Jade (look) for a new job at the moment.

3 This cake (taste) delicious.

4 Tie your shoelaces. You (trip) over them.

5 George (cook) a meal when the phone rang.

28. FiII in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

6 Oily always (dress) in black when he was a teenager.

7 I’m really tired. I think I (have) an early night.

8 Fred (work) for the company for ten years.

9 I can’t stand Mrs Brown. She (always/shout) at us.

10 Trevor (think) about buying a new car.


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